17 March 2010

God Is Good, But Never Dance In a Small Boat

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, a few of my favorite Irish verses (including the blog title)

May those that love us, love us,
And those that don't love us, may God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, so we'll know them by their limping.

There are only two things to worry about. Either you are sick, or you are well.
If you are well, there is nothing to worry about. If you are sick, there are only two things to worry about.
Either you will get well, or you will die. If you get well, there is nothing to worry about. If you die, there are only two things to worry about.
Either you will go to Heaven, or you will go to Hell. If you go to Heaven, there is nothing to worry about. If you go to Hell, you'll be so busy shaking hands with friends that you won't have time to worry!

13 March 2010

Shiny Suds

I hate it when my cleaning products turn into perverts.

05 March 2010

Snuggies FTW!

I really suck at this blogging thing. You'd think I would have figured that out, oh, twelve years ago or so, but such is life.

In my defense, I have, as before, been working on my adoption blog, which keeps me too busy to have anything of use to say here. I digress.

I came across this earlier, and I had to share.

It's about time the Snuggie used its mighty power for good and not evil. Go, Snuggie, Go!

Click and help, peeps. Click and help.